
Transit Watch

Big_brother Seems one of Greg Payne's first public moves as the new Albuquerque Ride (Transit) Director is to start the Big Brother sounding  Transit Watch.  The interestingly worded post to the City web site says,

...promoting transit as a community partner and safe haven, Transit Watch targets transit employees, passengers and neighborhood residents with a call for active involvement in staying alert and working together to maintain a safe transit environment.

A watch program targeting employees and passengers?  Well, I guess.  Who else are you going to watch? 

This should make riders and drivers feel safer.  Or a little jumpy.

The parallel is the neighborhood watch program.  But with that, you're watching a neighborhood.  On a bus, you're watching each other.  And you're far more likely to be hassled by someone who is off their meds, than to catch a terrorist or find a b*mb. 

But maybe it will make Payne's constituents who never ride the bus feel a little safer to know he's trying to keep those that do, in line.   

Beginning in February, the public will start seeing signs in strategic locations throughout the public transit system ...  Brochures will also be available systemwide for free distribution to riders as well as the general public.

I wonder if they'll say:  War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.


image from here.



Of all the strange bedfellows, Payne is the strangest.

I think they mean the program "targets [them] with a call for active involvement." Not that it is any less creepy. And, clearly, who ya gonna spy on but each other. When AssKraft called for this, even in the dust of 9/11, people resisted.

Oh, but any of us will answer the call to turn in suspected drunk drivers (private, not transit), no? Don't we all love the idea of giving up DNA samples just for being arrested? Hey, Ed Meese said if you were arrested you must be guilty of something.

Speaking of AssKraft -- what a great nominee to the Supreme Court he'll make! A former Senator (who lost to a dead guy) and a great singer, too. Keep the process dignified and "let the eagle soar!"


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