Manny Fashion
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Manny Aragon is still in the news and we’re still not quite sure why. The Highlands University Regents have removed him but say the matter is “private.” The whispering is mighty loud about impending indictments so this ought to be fun to watch.
Highlands is apparently delaying the release of information about the “why” behind the action to get rid of Manny. Meanwhile they're negotiating Manny’s severance package. I guess all those FBI white-collar guys were here for the weather.
Will that Golden Parachute clash with the orange jumpsuit?
Interestingly, the vast majority of the buzz in the New Mexican's online commentary is about Manny's most recent series of outrages involving NMHU—very little about his past decades of backroom dirty dealing. But is Manny entitled to a severance package in ADDITION to his guaranteed $165k salary from NMHU (regardless of whether he showed up/got fired/indicted)? One gots to figger that he had a pretty good notion he wasn't going make it all the way through his 4-year contract before the shit started to fly.
Posted by: Inky Ink, Inc. | Saturday, July 01, 2006 at 11:22 AM