Why Do We Need Ethics Commission?
Monday, May 05, 2008
Eli Lee on Clearly New Mexico answers why we need an independent state ethics commission. Shorter Eli: Manny Aragon.
Indeed, are we to believe that since 1992 not one member of the Legislature has had a conflict of interest or used influence inappropriately? Must questions of misconduct rise to the level of a state or federal indictment and prosecution before they are addressed?
Consider the case of former Senate President Pro Tem Manny Aragon, who currently awaits trial on corruption charges in the courthouse construction scandal. He, of course, will have his day in court. But given the seriousness of the charges, and the testimony already in the record that suggests this was the manner in which he routinely conducted legislative business, how is it that no one stepped forward to file a prior ethics complaint? The conclusion is obvious: Given Aragon's immense power, his colleagues would never sit in judgment against him for fear of retribution. So why bother?