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According to Barbara Ninde Byfield:
Trolls are slightly smaller than Giants and have a wicked intelligence which they bend to deeds of foul cunning. They are extremely strong, agile, and greedy, and must never be trusted. In appearance they are unattractive, indeed, repellent and foreboding: hard flesh, coarse skin, greasy and dandruff-laden hair, vestigial scaling on knees and elbows, thick and scanty fingers and toes, shifty eyes warn off even the most intrepid traveler. Trolls dislike direct sunlight and for this reason are found living in holes, caves, under rocks and bridges, and on the shady side of mountain passes. There they lie in wait for passers-by and extort from them either by threats or violence their valuables and sometimes their lives. Trolls eat people, and in time of famine, stones. They are fond of, or at least collect, chains. They are obliged to steal these and other pieces of heavy, rusted metal, for they are loath to work with their hands. The gold and rough treasure they amass is well guarded by them and they do not spend it. Trolls are subject to sunburn, bad teeth, and warts. Assume the worst of Trolls; they are always barefoot, do not like to sit down and their blood is black and scalding.
Posted by: Inky Ink, Inc. | Tuesday, April 07, 2009 at 08:23 PM