Not Me
Friday, October 02, 2009
With the heat of the election and the onset of Balloon Fiesta traffic, I voted early for Romero and all the charter amendments and fled northward. (Not the bonds - I haven't voted for anything but library bonds since finding out what bond attorneys get paid. A. Lot. FTS.)
It's darn cold up here but no robocalls, mean flyers or traffic. Been layered-up in furs, moth-eaten woolens and different hats - poking at a fire. Reading news aloud to Big Dog in a voice varying from grumble to ascending shrill Howard Deanian scream. (Like I did when I heard his robocall for Marty.)
This is how I always dreamed retirement would be!
A Big Happy Big 50 to Inky! This blog is my gift to you. Well, just this post, since you don't really want to take over the monthly payment.
9:14 a.m. A bear getting into garbage at the Budget Inn on Main Avenue was acting aggressively.
9:04 p.m. A horse was running south on Colorado Highway 172. The horse was corralled in a pumpkin patch on County Road 221, south of Elmoreās Corner.
Gee, thanks Coco! No one has ever given me a blog post before! I'll treasure it always. I was kind of hoping you'd give me your retirement pension but I guess this will do.
Posted by: Inky Ink, Inc. | Friday, October 02, 2009 at 09:32 AM