Housing Stops Not Starts
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
We've already tried building an economy based on housing speculation, and that didn't work very well.
Durango Herald editorial by Philp S. Wenz, former Durango resident and author of Your Ecological House. He continues:
Contrary to orthodox economists, who view an ever-increasing number of housing starts as a positive economic indicator, I subscribe to the heresy that most housing starts are unhealthy for both the economy and the environment. What we need is “housing stops": stop building new houses and switch to conservation-based housing solutions.
Whereas in new housing development the principle of economy-of-scale dictates that “bigger is better," remodeling and adding on to existing homes reverses the equation and produces a true “less is more" effect. It takes far more labor to remodel a space than to build it from scratch, and more construction work is exactly what we need to create.
I'd love to remodel my kitchen. Do you think I could get a TIDD? Abate my property taxes for 30 years?
Posted by: Hunter | Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 11:24 AM