Dirty Coal-Fired Status Quo
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Northern neighbors feel the shifting political wind. Those living downwind of the multiple mighty belching Four-Corners power plants have worked for years to get it to blow the other direction. The Durango Telegraph notes the new New Mexico governor's views.
“New Mexico has suffered from an anti-business environment exacerbated by 4 policies which discourage economic development and result in businesses setting up shop across state lines,” she said. (sic)
Durango Reader: That is the same thing they tell us in Colorado!
“There’s a lot riding on what happens in Northwest New Mexico, and we’re concerned that Gov. Martinez is working to move us backwards,” said Mike Eisenfeld, San Juan Citizens Alliance’s New Mexico coordinator. “Already she’s told that solar and wind industries that New Mexico will not be hospitable to renewable energy development. We fully expect her to support keeping the coal-fired status quo in the Four Corners.”
Image: Coal is Dirty