But Mostly, Chickenwire
See Turtle in Desert - Turtleback Mountain Diary

Turtleback Mountain Diary Vol.1 Dam Walking

I dreamed Governor Susana Martinez was on a broomstick flying above all the little people on Elephant Butte Dam. 

The Albuquerque Journal was at the Elephant Butte Dam Walk and so was I. Their thoroughly unsnarky and factual account begs amendment.

Dam walk dam
The weather was wonderful which is a big reason there are a lot of people in this part of Sierra County, if you can call 7,500 a lot.  Turn out for the event was tremendous. Possibly all 7,500 people were there. Paranoia Security meant restricting access to the dam after 9/11 and restricting access to anything makes it more desirable. 

Volunteers did a great job but there were shuttle buses involved.  The first shuttle for non-VIPs was from parking to the restaurant and recreation area for ceremonies, including a stirring rendition of all thirty three verses of Oh Fair New Mexico. The second was a shuttle to the dam itself.  Again, for all but VIPs and invalids, there was a long disorganized wait.  A meaner crowd might have mutinied. But this is New Mexico and mostly everyone was relaxed. Many, including those for whom the buses invoked painful childhood memories of bullying, walked to the dam.

It was one shuttle too many for at least a couple of impatient yankees disappointed they didn't get to see the Governor  - not that she was expected, but whatever.  They didn't want to walk or wait and didn't make it to the dam.  Instead they drove to the overlook to burn one and watch people, like tiny ants, moving back and forth across the top of the giant structure. Dam walk balloons




You can never be too careful about giving taxpayers access to public property. Next up, shuttle to the Spaceport, except for the VIPPS of course. (Very Important Preferred Parkers) You can't have those 1% weekend astronauts mixing it up with the NM hoi polloi.


Elephant Butte Dam brings back memories of the lake when it was full back on the early eighties when I was going to college at NMSU. What an achievement for NM. It's a shame the water table is so low these days. If we had a constant flow of water from great snow years it would make life and the resource the lake is for the State of NM so much better. You cannot control mother nature.

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You can never be too careful about giving taxpayers access to public property. Next up, shuttle to the Spaceport, except for the VIPPS of course. (Very Important Preferred Parkers) You cant have those 1% weekend astronauts mixing it up with the NM hoi polloi.

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