Worthy Hero, Comrade Bronson Cutting
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
He was wealthy because his father was, like his father before him. Shipping and railroads mostly. Living off of the interest and overseeing big philanthropic endeavors. The best schools, sister too. Tutored in multiple languages for months abroad. Maybe babied beyond babyhood. You can see it in his cheeks.
Tuberculosis. Family resources were wielded to find help for Bronson and his brother. Different spas and resorts in Switzerland and Italy intended to cure. Favored brother died in 1908.
Then they tried New Mexico. In 1910 Justine and her brother moved here to thrive.
Seems they had compassion - some measure of enlightenment. Or maybe just guilt. Or maybe just both.
They inhabited New Mexico deeply - learning, appreciating and working to improve upon its governance as few others were able or willing.