Saturday, February 21, 2015
Sadie put the top down and let the wind whip at her hair. She needed to think. The stink of Ace's cologne was seeping in from the trunk but he'd finally quit talking. The late afternoon desert light was tempered by a broad dark cloud bank that grew pink as the giant FLYING Y CASINO CAFE GAS sign blinked into view.
Ace started-up with his pleading again when she slowed down on the exit ramp. She sighed and turned up the stereo again. Not long ago he could have talked her into nearly anything. He almost did. But not now. She had seen what he was like.
Her plan had been to go to the ranch and bury him with the backhoe like they did with dead cows. Pushing the car over a cliff was possible but too obvious and she really liked that BMW.
She'd call Rosa. Rosa would know what to do. But her phone was in the trunk with Ace. She'd heard him trying to call her brother Sammy but it had gone dead.
Gone dead. She mused about that phrase for awhile.