Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Angel worked On a boat dock in Florida for a decade before moving into the apartment in the barn and becoming manager. Sammy hired him on a whim believing he was a Russian horse trainer because someone said he was from Moscow. It was the Moscow in Idaho but Angel didn’t correct him. He began speaking to Sammy, in their few conversations, with a slight Eastern European accent.
The boat dock gig was after the horse barn job in Idaho. Angel thought them very similar. The only people that made money from horses or boats had money to begin with or attached themselves, parasite-like, to those that did. Everyone else lost money and called it fun.
Both attract hustlers who prey on beginners and romantics. The true horse lovers and avid fishermen are the easiest marks. People will spend stupid amounts of money on things they love.
Mostly, the money in barns and docks is in the real estate, not horses and boats. In fact the owners that make the most money, don’t even seem to like them. They like the land they occupy. They like the monthly checks from the suckers.
Sammy treated the Cozy Y barn like that until Angel took over.