On My Summer Vacation
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Things that happened on or around Lammas 2006 when the veil between worlds was thinnest blah, blah, blah. I was on vacation.
Mowed a toad in thick bermuda grass in the same place where my neighbor intentionally killed a bull snake. Poor toad didn't even stall the new mower so I didn't see him until I slid on him.
Found a Flea 0n my arm while hurdling 80 mph up an undivided highway.
Washed dog toys with the sheets - new white 1000-thread count sheets for the guestroom to replace the last set (used in a magnificent red wine spilling demonstration apparently.) I probably should have washed them again because those dog toys were really gross. If they were sheets for my bed I would have but, you know, I'm saving water and they looked clean.
Found a front end rattle. Stopped on the side of the 80 mph undivided highway to look underneath. Nothing. ::insert mental image Gremlin on airplane wing in Twilight Zone:: Wondered again about the karmic implications of adoring a finely crafted German engineered machine while abhorring American car culture. Agonized about maybe getting a new car soon. A Prius? A Fit? Or maybe I'll not have a car at all! Later found source of rattle to be the plastic spoon and knife in the glovebox.
Barbie got a Target Letter. Watched movie The Safety of Objects and dreamed Barbie could talk. We were at a party, she got terribly drunk and starting spilling the beans about the FBI investigation into construction of Albuquerque's courthouses. She knew about it all but I couldn't hear her because I was making her coffee so she wouldn't get a DWI in the cute pink Corvette. So another blogger got the scoop. ::insert mental image Joe Monahan stroking a doll::
Discovered Boy Pup loves snails. He really enjoys them, crunching and smacking on the shells and gelatinous ooze loudly. This is both gross and mesmerizing. Are Chows or Golden Retrievers from France?