Weed Ranch Chronicle
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Worked a weed cutter yesterday along the driveway for 25 feet or so until the annual blood sacrifice to yard gods of whacking the blade on my ankle thus assuring another year of prolific tumbleweeds.
Here at The Weed Ranch this Spring we've got a bumper crop of mustard and early foxtail-type grass coming in. They're bounding back nicely even without water and this latest moisture will no doubt rally those volunteers for an onslaught. Little apparent progress in annihilating these was made by opposing forces last year. Next up will be kochia and tumbleweed seedlings. We'll keep you updated from the front lines, like a Joe Monahan of weeds, talking all majestic plural but without the ads or alligators - though I do have snakes.
For my weedy explorations I'm We're using Weeds of the West, The Western Society of Weed Science. They look like a bunch of guys you want on your team. For a completely different (and British) take, Weeds: In Defense of Nature's Most Unloved Plants by Richard Mabey.
Image of Sisymbrium irio AKA London Rocket or Rocket Mustard, from Southwest Arizona Wildflowers.